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Showing posts from September, 2019


Through the years, our minds, our society, workplace, school system and almost every organization has made us believe and accept that “ Safety First ” is the motto of humanity. But safety first has done a great harm than good to the human mind that is longing for transformation.  Safety first has hindered governmental development, industrial growth and the exploits of God’s creature. Safety first puts a wall of limitation/barrier before the eyes of your mind that you dare not delve into the oceans of deep waters where the big play takes place. It grows fears of failure inside of you that ultimately hinders you from trying out new ideas and concepts that will result to greater achievements. Safety first appears in the form of your family and friends stopping you from pursuing a path because it had never been done before. This virus has killed many dreams that would have made our society a lot better.  But today, Let me shock you by telling you that Safety First has n...


According to current statistics, the world has approximately 7.7 billion people and only 0.8 percent of these people are mad.  This drastically raises the need for more mad people across the globe, especially in Nigeria. How would you identify a mad person if you found one? And how would you be sure the person is actually mad? I suppose because mad people don't look normal. Ranging from their appearance to the way they talk and act, they are obviously different from every other person.  And how would you know you are normal when you are the only strangely dressed person in the midst of normally dressed people? It seems the easiest way to ascertain whether a person is mad or not, is to determine how different he/she is from the majority. Perhaps, doing what every other person does is what guarantees you are normal. And the fear of being called MAD is the reason why most persons (including you and I) have decided to be like every other normal person. So, you being...

I MET A BARRISTER -GreatGlorious

During my second year in school, the alumni arm of the fellowship body I attended was to hold a 3-day conference. As the welfare coordinator in fellowship then, I was involved in the program planning process. This helped created a cordial relationship between me and most of the alumni. The D-day came; due to the numerous planning activities, I became so exhausted and decided to rest a little before attending the program. I ended up getting to the venue when the program was already closing. I made way to some of the alumni I knew and greeted them. Among them was a fair young man, he looked like a white man whom I have never seen before. He seemed to be attending the conference for the first time. I pondered on who he was but never really cared and went about my business. The second day came which coincided with an activity I had in school. Owing to my responsibility, I had to forfeit it for the conference. I was not really happy with the decision I made, so I sat at the back of...


"One’s best success comes after their greatest disappointments". ___jaypee101 Unless someone has lived a completely charmed life, there’s no one among us who has never faced disappointment at some point in his or her life. Delay and disappointment are inevitable negative factors that occurs in life. Inevitable because it will sure happen and negative because we really do not like it when it does happen. How you can minimize its occurance and deal with it when it does happen is the what truly matters in the face of these turbulent waters.  Disappointments occurs when one's expectations are cut short. Many have been disappointed by not getting a job they were sure of; when a loved one tears their heart apart; when they couldn't meet up the rent payment; when you're let down by someone you put so much hope in; academic failure and whole lots of situation could render us disappointed with ourselves, others and life.  To avoid disappointment; when ...


I CHOOSE TO BE A NIGERIAN In my quiet moment, I thought within myself the Impact of western civilization on Africa, precisely Nigeria. And this question kept flowing through my mind, and I ask you. Did we truly gain independence in 1960? A question that seems simple, yet complicated when truly analyzed. In 1960 we simply became more dependent by moving from Dependence to being In Dependence (which explains the depth of our mental dependence). When they left our land, they did not leave with their language, their ideologies, their systems, their beliefs, their values, and the worse of all their identity. Little wonder, we always want to talk and act like them. The very reason why we have made them our standard for measuring almost everything. We undermine the uniqueness of a true African and have not taken seriously the fact that our culture is preserved in our local languages. For instance, "Thank you" in most Nigerian languages would mean: "I'm ...