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Why Compete When You Can Be The Best of You

In ancient times, the rules of nature were easy. If you didn’t compete for food, shelter or women, you would die. We still compete for those things and more tangible things in this dispensation, but the competition actually makes us weaker and limit our true potential. This competition is like trying to compare yourself with others and rate your growth/success by theirs. What if you found out after years of comparison & competition that you haven't been living your true life? 😭😢😵😷 That will surely be a life of regret and anguish. 

A wise woman once said "Comparison is the thief of joy".

When you compare/compete, three negative things can happen:

1. You start imitating yourself. 

2. You focus too much on the other's beauty instead on your true strengths

3. You'll be living an unfulfilled life. 

In our personal lives, we often imitate our competitors. We try to achieve what they've achieved. Drive the cars they drive. Send our kids to the school theirs are going to. The competition list is endless but all to what gain? When you compete on some level with colleagues, friends, and family, this will make you lose your identity, Uniqueness and dignity. Your true strength doesn't come from others, True power comes from within. 

Don’t compete with others. It's very okay to use other's success as a motivation/inspiration to push yourself to attain greater heights but trying to be like them! It's an aberration to who God created you. And you can never really be like anybody just like nobody can never be like you. Why not respect, love and adore yourself; so that you can develop your true abilities. 

You don’t have to have a better car. You just need to live on your means. You don't have to borrow to take first class, fly at your pace and sleep in peace. You don't have to sing like your friend, appreciate and compliment her and do what you are good at well, same appreciation will come to you. 

You can also apply this to business. When Microsoft and Google were focussing on each other, Apple became the biggest tech company in the world.

Competition is bad. Focus on the value that you add, not on how much better you are compared to someone else.

“Your competition is not other people but the time you kill, the ill will you create, the knowledge you neglect to learn, the connections you fail to build, the health you sacrifice along the path, your inability to generate ideas, the people around you who don’t support and love your efforts, and whatever god you curse for your bad luck.”
CEO, SprintLife

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  1. This is super inspiring. The last paragraph is everything. We waste so much trying to be someone else or trying to outsmart a person.

    "We all live under the same big sky, big enough to accommodate all our gifting and small enough to showcase our skills." Lessons.


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